Tuning, Performance, Competition, Auto-Service


Subaru Impreza STI MY06 Garrett GTX2867R 98RON vs. E85

We’ve got another interesting test for you. This time it’s a Subaru Impreza STI MY2006 equipped with the Garrett GTX2867R. Here we compare normal 98RON petrol to E85 bioethanol. Once again, the difference between 98RON and E85 is huge as you can see in the dynosheet below.

Subaru Impreza STI MY2006


    • fully forged engine
    • Ecutek 800cc injectors
    • Garrett GTX2867R
    • Maxspeed turboback exhaust
    • stock airbox and intercooler

The only difference next to the fuel in the following test was the fuel map, which of course needs to be adapted to E85. Boost is identical!

Chip-Racing Subaru tuning: Impreza STI MY06 Garrett GTX2867R 98RON vs. E85
Chip-Racing Subaru tuning: Impreza STI MY06 Garrett GTX2867R 98RON vs. E85

purple line:   98RON      415hp / 572Nm
red line:         E85            454hp / 660Nm

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